Why should you consider (cloud) migration?
No matter how familiar you are with your processes, systems, devices and technology, there will always be a time to switch to new software or a new platform. Or a time to realise that continuing to use certain legacy systems will damage your organisation’s digital performance. If any of these situations occur, you need to migrate all your relevant data to a new environment.
Over the last few years, migration to the cloud has become more important to many organisations. And there are great arguments to support that. For instance, you can upscale your capacity quickly and downscale it when needed. Also, (pricey) regular updates, with or without limited downtime, and manual interventions will largely become a thing of the past. It makes migration to the cloud an intense process, which you might want to have handled by professionals.
At iO, we have technology and strategy experts who combine their knowledge and expertise to find the perfect time for migration and then ensure that the process runs smoothly.
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The benefits of migration by a professional digital partner
Migrations for the sake of migration are never a good idea. Our experts will examine how migration can help you move to the next level and propose tools and technologies that fit your business goals.
Database management in the cloud? We will help you implement both relational (SQL) and non-relational (NoSQL) data with tools like Microsoft Azure.
We assemble the right professionals for a dedicated migration team that will guide the migration process on the way to success, backed by a good connection to the organisation.
You don’t just copy and paste data – data cleansing at the source is vital to an optimal start of your new system, tool or platform.
Data storage is vital, for a healthy storage refresh strategy, for instance – evaluated closely by experts.
Pourquoi choisir iO ?
Avec iO, vous pouvez compter sur une véritable partenaire end-to-end, ce qui signifie que nous sommes en mesure de répondre à tous vos besoins, de la stratégie au contenu en passant par la technologie et le marketing.
Notre armée d'experts excelle non seulement dans l'élaboration et la mise en œuvre de stratégies d'e-commerce efficaces, mais ils s'assurent aussi que :
Votre expérience client est alignée sur votre marque et votre expérience de marque,
Vos investissements sont rentables, en utilisant la bonne plateforme,
Vous avez accès à l'assistance d'experts et à des programmes bêta en avant-première.
iO est certifié 27001
Ce standard international nous aide à assurer la sécurisation de l'information de manière structurée. Accessibilité, intégrité et confidentialité sont au cœur de nos méthodes de travail. Le certificat ISO 27001 témoigne de l'attention que nous y portons.
Enchanté, nous sommes iO
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