Brand positioning on social issues: dos and don'ts

brand positioning | iO

Just about every brand has a mission and a vision. They know very well what they want to stand for. The only problem? They often don't know how to convey that message. How best to translate their brand story into actions.

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By taking a strong position on social issues, you attract people who agree with your brand. It is just as important to not only claim this position on paper, but also to put it into action. Practice what you preach, in other words.

In this ebook:

  • What does brand positioning on social issues mean?

  • The difference between social positioning and your purpose

  • Why is showing your true colours important?

  • Social positioning: 5 dos and don'ts

  • Conclusion

"When you know what your role is in society, you show the world what your brand stands for."

With the right brand positioning, you get everyone on the same page, both internally (your employees) and externally (your customers and shareholders). That way, everyone knows who you are and what you stand for, which can only benefit you.

Let’s get started with brand positioning — our experts are happy to share their advice with you. Contact us.

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