How do you make MS visible and overcome misconceptions?
MS has a significant impact, yet there are numerous misconceptions surrounding the disease. With the campaign ‘Face it: MS is nerve-wracking’, we follow five individuals with MS and shed light on the true nature of the illness. In doing so, we aim to raise awareness and support for the Nationaal MS Fonds (National MS Foundation).
Raising awareness and increasing knowledge levels
Uncloaking misconceptions about MS for the public
Sharing real stories about the impact of the disease
Encouraging the public to make a difference
The impact is significant
There are 25,000 people in the Netherlands who are living with the chronic disease Multiple Sclerosis. The impact is significant, and there are numerous misconceptions about MS among the general public. MS is not a muscular disorder, not everyone is confined to a wheelchair or relies on a walker. However, one underlying aspect is always present in all symptoms: a chronic disease affecting the nervous system.
To raise awareness about the disease and increase knowledge, we developed the campaign ‘Face it: MS is nerve-wracking’ in collaboration with the National MS Foundation.
Generating awareness and increasing knowledge about Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
The ‘Face it: MS is nerve-wracking’ campaign enhances understanding of the disease and confronts misconceptions.
About MS Foundation
The National MS Foundation advocates for improved treatments and a better quality of life for people with MS. This is achieved through research, education, and coaching. The foundation initiates and funds scientific research, provides education through various channels, and empowers individuals in managing MS.
25.000 faces of MS
MS has 25,000 different faces. That is the message of this (online) campaign, which includes a social knowledge quiz, personal videos, interviews, photography, TV and radio commercials, billboards, and a dedicated campaign website.
At the heart of the campaign are the stories of five individuals with MS. They share the impact of the disease on their daily lives, how they cope with it, and the dreams they have had to adjust. The stories are accompanied by facts about MS to raise awareness about the disease and hopefully attract more donations.
"For me personally, it means a lot to be able to help the National MS Foundation," said Elwin Wientjes, iO advisor. "My wife has MS, so I experience firsthand how nerve-wracking this disease can be. The stories of the five main characters deeply touched me, and their openness about the impact of MS on their lives reaffirmed the importance of this campaign."
"With the campaign 'Face it: MS is nerve-wracking,' we not only give MS a literal face, but we also urge the target audience to confront (the severity of) the disease and take action. Indeed, the campaign is confronting but also gripping due to the real stories that showcase the vulnerability of the main characters."
Leontine Heisen, communication advisor at the National MS Foundation
How we helped
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