Coven of Wisdom - HER - Spring '24 edition
Join us for an exciting web technology meetup where you’ll get a chance to gain valuable insights and knowledge about the latest trends in the field.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to expand your knowledge, network with fellow developers, and discover new and exciting possibilities. And the best part? Food and drinks are on us!
Houd onze events. in de gaten voor meer events in de toekomst, of schrijf je in op onze nieuwsbrief.
Johan Vervloet _ Event sourced Whist-app: an introduction to Event Sourcing and CQRS
Join me for a journey into the world of CQRS and Event Sourcing. Together we'll unravel the mysteries behind these powerful concepts, exploring a real-life application: an app for scoring the card game of Whist (Wiezen in Dutch).
Using examples straight from the card table, we deep-dive into event sourcing and CQRS, comparing them to more traditional approaches that rely on an ORM. You'll also discover which signs in your own database indicate where event sourcing can offer added value. You'll get valuable tips and pointers for immediate use, should you decide to embark on your own event sourcing adventure.
Filip Van Reeth _WordPress API: "Are you talking to me?"
What if the WordPress API could be one of your best friends? What kind of light-hearted or profound requests would it share with you? In this talk, you'll get to meet the API and will become much better acquainted so that, together, you'll have many more pleasant conversations (calls). What do you say: wanna be friends?
Please note that the event or talks will be conducted in Dutch.
Want to give a talk?
Send us your proposal at meetup.herentals@iodigital.com
18:00 - 19:00: Food/Drinks/Networking
19:00 - 21:00: Talks
21:00 - 22:00: Networking
Thursday 30th of May, 18h00 - 22h00 CET
iO Campus Herentals, Zavelheide 15, Herentals
iO’s Coven of Wisdom
Deze meetup maakt deel uit van iO’s Coven of Wisdom, een community die technologietalenten vanuit de hele Benelux bij elkaar brengt om inzichten te delen en nieuwe opportuniteiten te verkennen. We geloven oprecht in het stimuleren van teamwerk en het creëren van een inclusieve en toegankelijke omgeving. Daarom organiseren we ook onze meetups in een informele setting.
Dus waar wacht je nog op? Schrijf je nu in via het registratieformulier om je plekje te reserveren. We kijken er naar uit om je te ontmoeten!