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Google's announcement turned the marketing world upside down. After all, Universal Analytics is the most widely used analytics tool in the world.
Launched in 2012, the platform is now struggling to keep up in a world where new digital touchpoints are emerging every day. UA's successor — Google Analytics 4 — combines data from websites and apps, which is a great relief for marketers.
We will soon be able to use Google's latest, most privacy-focused analytics platform, and that was necessary: as it happens, Google Analytics was recently exposed to suspicion due to the rulings of an Austrian judge — who ruled that the platform violates GDPR legislation.
With Google Analytics 4, Google is focusing on scalability, privacy-centric measurement, machine learning, and better integration capabilities of the platform. The latest version of Google Analytics is thus fully future-proofed.
Do you also want to face the future with confidence? Then sit in on the digital session with Head of Marketing Technology Glenn Weuts. He will tell you all about the migration from Universal Analytics to another analytics platform.
Glenn Weuts
Marketing Director at iOGlenn Weuts is in the right place as Marketing Director at iO. He combines his in-depth knowledge of data-driven marketing strategies with his passion for CDPs and the measurable value that they offer – he enjoys analysing customer data and building compelling business cases. With expertise in quantifying ROI and optimising marketing processes, he is the ideal guide for companies looking to excel in data-driven marketing.
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